Thursday, 21 March 2013

How To Get It Cheaper: Revenge Of The Titans (save over 20%!)

Hi all so this How To Get It Cheaper series is exactly what you would think. So you want a Steam copy of Revenge Of The Titans, all though the Steam price is reasonable, you may not be able to afford it. Well I myself have just brought this title and got it over 20% cheaper than the Steam price and this is how. Please note I am writing this on the 21 march 2013, this method may not work at a later date.

Ok so just follow these simple steps:

1. Got to Puppy Games site
2. Download the Linux Demo for Revenge Of The Titans
3. Launch the demo using the ,sh file
4.When you launch the demo it will prompt you to buy the game, this will give you the code to get 20 %, your notice that Puppy Games price is cheaper than Steam anyway, So all together that is your over 20% off
5. Once you have brought the game open up the .sh file again and enter your email when prompted, this activates the game, needs tpo be done before getting your Steam key.
6. Now you have a nice native Linuc version of the game anyway but you want a Steam key as well so go to
7. Select Revenge Of the Titans and enter your email, Puppy Games then will send a Steam key to your email.
8. Enjoy the fantastic game and comment if you have any problems or feedback, I will probably review this game soon :D

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