Thursday, 21 March 2013

How To Get It Cheaper: Bastion ($1 or pay what you want)

Hi all so this How To Get It Cheaper series is exactly what you would think. So you want a Steam copy of Bastion, all though the Steam price is reasonable, you may not be able to afford it. I actually brought this game before this offer became available, you should however grab it now while its cheap, pay what you can but you can pay only $1 if that is all you can afford. Please note I am writing this on the 21 march 2013, this offer is only open for a few days, so take advantage now!

Ok so just follow these simple steps:

1. Got to Humble Bundle
2. Scroll down to the bottom to set your price
3. complete your purchase
4 Go to your Humble Bundle account and request your Steam Key!
5. Enjoy the fantastic game and comment if you have any problems or feedback, I will probably review this game soon :D

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