Monday, 25 March 2013

Grab Linux Games While They Are Cheap: Luminesca(Desura not Steam)

Hi all so this Grab Linux Games While They Are Cheap series is exactly what you would think. So you want Luminesca , all though the Desura price is reasonable, you may not be able to afford it. Right now this game is a pay what you want title, you can pay as little as $1 if that is all you can afford. Please note I am writing this on the 25 march 2013, this offer is only open for a few days, so take advantage now!

Head over to Indie Game Stand now and grab yourself a bargain

Friday, 22 March 2013

How To Get It Cheaper: The Cave (50% off!)

Hi all so this How To Get It Cheaper series is exactly what you would think. So you want a Steam copy of The Cave, all though the Steam price is reasonable, you may not be able to afford it. I just brought this game on PS3 but I may take advantage of this deal too.Please note I am writing this on the 22 march 2013, this offer is only open for a few days, so take advantage now!

Ok so just follow these simple steps:

1. Go to GamersGate
2. Click buy
3. Complete your purchase at half price :D
4. GamersGate will give yo a Steam key
5. Enjoy the fantastic game and comment if you have any problems or feedback, I will probably review this game soon :D

Lots Of Linux Games In The Steam Indie Spring Sale

So a new sale has started on Steam and among the fantastic assortment of indie games, there is a whole bunch of Linux games, check out the list below, Lowest price first(my prices are in British £ but the sale is in america and lots of other countries too)

Super Hexagon  £0.67
Cubemen £0.99
The Polynomial £1.12
The Journey Down: Chapter One £1.24
Darwinia £1.49
Titan Attacks £1.49
Multiwinia £1.49
Uplink £1.49
World Of Goo £1.74
Shatter £1.74
Dungeons Of Dredmor £1.74
Beat hazard £1.74
Space Pirates and Zombies £1.74
Solar 2 £1.74
Zen Bound 2 £1.74
Galcon Fusion £1.74
Spectraball £1.74
Waveform £1.79
VVVVVV £1.99
Dynamite Jack £1.99
Puddle £2.09
Osmos £2.09
Intrusion 2 £2.20
Penumbra Overture £2.24
Droid Asssault £2.27
Revenge Of The Titans £2.37
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution £2.39
10,000,000 £2.67
Anomaly: Warzone Earth £2.69
Shank 2 £2.71
Cave Story+ £2.79
Closure £2.79
Tiny+Big: Grandpas Leftovers £2.79
Splice £2.79
Cogs £2.79
Trine 2 £2.79
Psychonauts £2.99
Organ Trail: directors Cut £3,19
Amnesia: The Dark Descent £3.24
Ultratron £3.49
FTL: Faster Than Light £3.49
Waking Mars £3.49
Spirits £3.49
Eversion £3.49
Guns Of Icarus Online £3.74
Hacker Evolution Duality £3.74
Postal 2 Complete £4.07
Magical Diary £4.39
Postal £4.49
Frozen synapse £4.74
Unity Of Command Stalingrad Campaign £7.49
Bit Trip Presents..... Runner 2 £10.79
Kentucky Route Zero £14.24

Well enjoy the cheap games everyone, I know I will :D

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Win Linux Steam Games (free giveaway`s 2 great websites!)

There is nothing like winning something and its even better if its a Linux steam game. Well there are 2 fantastic websites out there, where you can enter free giveaway`s.No surveys, referrals etc These sites both run in the same way::

.Someone has an extra game they post it as a giveaway
.You enter the give away using points you accumulate over time
.If you win the game its sent to you either as a gift or a key

So guys first up is SteamGifts this is the more popular and more professional looking website, however I use both and both can be trusted . You get points every time someone creates a giveaway and you can have a maximum of 300 points. Each giveaway has a point price to enter, with some you can even join with 0 points. Please note that some giveways have restrictions and are only open to contributors (people who have made giveaways). Well good luck and if you have any problems or feedback comment below.

Next up is my personal favourite GameMiner, this website is a little more complicated but its actually quicker for entering lots of giveaways. On this website you enter giveaways with either coal or gold, both can be earned and gold can be purchased. When you start you are level 1 and earn 1 coal every hour. As with SteamGifts each giveaway has a cost, there are premium giveaways that cost gold or normal/sandpit giveawasys that cost coal. There is some giveaways that cost 0 coal! You can earn achievements, which give you more resources, these achievements are very varied and involve things like entering so many giveaways, creating giveaways etc. The chance of winning is a lot higher with the premium giveaways as not many people buy gold, its up to you if you want to or not. Please note the only way to level up and increase the coal you get each hour, is creating giveaways. Well good luck and if you have any problems or feedback comment below.

How To Get It Cheaper: Bastion ($1 or pay what you want)

Hi all so this How To Get It Cheaper series is exactly what you would think. So you want a Steam copy of Bastion, all though the Steam price is reasonable, you may not be able to afford it. I actually brought this game before this offer became available, you should however grab it now while its cheap, pay what you can but you can pay only $1 if that is all you can afford. Please note I am writing this on the 21 march 2013, this offer is only open for a few days, so take advantage now!

Ok so just follow these simple steps:

1. Got to Humble Bundle
2. Scroll down to the bottom to set your price
3. complete your purchase
4 Go to your Humble Bundle account and request your Steam Key!
5. Enjoy the fantastic game and comment if you have any problems or feedback, I will probably review this game soon :D

How To Get It Cheaper: Space Pirates and Zombies ($1 or pay what you want)

Hi all so this How To Get It Cheaper series is exactly what you would think. So you want a Steam copy of Space Pirates and Zombies, all though the Steam price is reasonable, you may not be able to afford it. I myself brought this game for a little lower than the Steam price, but you can pay just $1 if that is all you can afford. Please note I am writing this on the 21 march 2013, this offer is only open for a few days, so take advantage now!

Ok so just follow these simple steps:

1. Go to Indie Game Stand
2.Click Buy Now or Buy As A Gift, adjust to the price you want, note that higher prices give you more than the game.
3.Complete your Purchase and you will get a Steam key!
4. Remember to bookmark Indie Game Stand as the next 2 games will work on Linux too!
5.Enjoy the fantastic game and comment if you have any problems or feedback, I will probably review this game soon :D

How To Get It Cheaper: Revenge Of The Titans (save over 20%!)

Hi all so this How To Get It Cheaper series is exactly what you would think. So you want a Steam copy of Revenge Of The Titans, all though the Steam price is reasonable, you may not be able to afford it. Well I myself have just brought this title and got it over 20% cheaper than the Steam price and this is how. Please note I am writing this on the 21 march 2013, this method may not work at a later date.

Ok so just follow these simple steps:

1. Got to Puppy Games site
2. Download the Linux Demo for Revenge Of The Titans
3. Launch the demo using the ,sh file
4.When you launch the demo it will prompt you to buy the game, this will give you the code to get 20 %, your notice that Puppy Games price is cheaper than Steam anyway, So all together that is your over 20% off
5. Once you have brought the game open up the .sh file again and enter your email when prompted, this activates the game, needs tpo be done before getting your Steam key.
6. Now you have a nice native Linuc version of the game anyway but you want a Steam key as well so go to
7. Select Revenge Of the Titans and enter your email, Puppy Games then will send a Steam key to your email.
8. Enjoy the fantastic game and comment if you have any problems or feedback, I will probably review this game soon :D

Welcome To Steam Penguin

Hi all and welcome to Steam Penguin, the place to go to know more about Steam for Linux. There will be reviews, previews, sales, price tips, give-aways and more. Welcome and enjoy
